Newsom’s Delta Tunnel Planning Moves Full Speed Ahead
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is moving full-speed ahead with its campaign to build the controversial single tunnel under the ...

Zero Delta Smelt Found in CDFW Fall Midwater Trawl Survey Two Years in a Row
The Delta smelt, once the most abundant species on the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, continues its long slide towards extinction ...

Commission Postpones Adoption of Delta Fisheries Management and Striped Bass Policies
Dr. David Ostrach, Science Advisor for Allied Fishing Groups & Northern California Guides and Sportsmen’s Association, speaks before the California ...

Attend Fish and Game Commission Meeting Dec. 11 to Save the Striped Bass Fishery!
Roger Mammon, President of the California Striped Bass Association (CSBA) West Delta Chapter, testifies at the California Fish and Game ...

King Salmon Surge Into Nimbus Fish Hatchery on American River
RANCHO CORDOVA – This has been a slow year for salmon fishing on the American River. Very few anglers are ...

Governor Newsom Continues Jerry Brown’s Pro-Big Ag and Anti-Fish Policies
R.I.P. Robert Light, the Delta cartoonist whose Rio Life was published regularly in the Rio Vista River News, recently passed ...

PG&E spends $1.3 million lobbying in one quarter after spending $10 million in 2018
The PG&E shutoffs of power to over 2 million people in recent weeks, including those of Fish Sniffer staff, readers ...

California plans to sue over federal water grab, but DWR releases plan that increases water exports
New state water plan would increase water exports by 373,000 acre feet per year on average The Gavin Newsom Administration on ...

Groups Slam Interior Department’s Sweetheart Deal with Westlands Water District
Conservation, environmental justice and public interest groups on November 8 responded with outrage to an Associated Press report that Secretary David Bernhardt’s ...

New Federal Water Rules Will Boost Delta Water Exports, Imperil Salmon
SAN FRANCISCO — The federal government, led by former Westlands Water District and oil industry lobbyist and current Interior Secretary ...

September CDFW trawl survey finds zero Delta smelt
The Delta smelt, once the most abundant fish in the entire Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, has come closer and closer ...

Kearns and West announces agenda for SWP Contract Amendment for Delta Tunnel meeting
The planning for the State Water Project Contract Amendment for the Delta Tunnel under the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta continues, despite ...