Fishing Reports
Fish Sniffer Spotlight
Spotlight on Conservation

For many years, federal, state and corporate proponents of building more dams in California have touted cold water river releases provided by increased water storage behind dams as a key tool in “saving” struggling salmon and steelhead populations. Yet a just published study by the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, Dams Ineffective for Cold-Water Conservation– 8/25/21, has found that dams are ineffective for the cold water conservation that is needed to preserve imperiled salmon, steelhead and trout. ”Dams poorly mimic the temperature patterns California streams require to support the state’s native salmon and trout — more than ...

Ocean salmon seasons curtailed on much of California coast, due to low Sacramento, Klamath numbers The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) on March 11 announced that the recreational ocean salmon fishery has been curtailed on most of the California coast, due to poor stock assessments of Sacramento River and Klamath River fall-run Chinook salmon. The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the federal management body that oversees salmon and other ocean fisheries, has adopted three alternatives for 2020 ocean salmon fisheries off Washington, Oregon and California for public review. The Council will make a final decision on salmon seasons ...

Rustic Rob Reimer’s Produces Memorable Sturgeon Trips! By: Stacy Barawed Truth be told, I'm starting to become a fixture on Captain "Rustic" Rob Reimers' boat. And who can blame me? I get to fish with an experienced captain and his adorable co-captain, a three-legged rescue chihuahua named Warren, all while kicking back on a comfortable River Wild boat that is largely covered, keeping me out of the elements. Rob invited me to go sturgeon fishing, so of course, I jumped at the chance. But when he mentioned it would be a night trip, I was a little hesitant. As someone ...

REDDING, Calif. - The Bureau of Reclamation today announced a “virtual open” house website for the controversial Shasta Dam raise proposal EIS, officially known as the Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Additionally, the public comment period is extended to October 5 to allow more time for public engagement. Reclamation has been pushing the dam raise proposal for years to deliver more Sacramento River water to the Westlands Water District and other corporate agribusiness interests in the San Joaquin Valley. The Winnemem Wintu Tribe, other California Tribes, environmental groups and fishing organizations are opposing the proposal because it would ...