President Obama, Please Veto The WRDA & California Drought Bill!

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The Water Resources Development Act, with its poison pill Big Ag rider sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein, passed the Senate on Friday, December 9. For the full details on the bill, go to:

Here is the latest action alert from Restore the Delta to stop the Water Resources Development Act and its Delta-killing rider:  

As you know, the Water Resources Development Act passed the Senate late last Friday, just before Holiday Break. The bill is now headed to the White House for President Obama’s signature.

Today, Restore the Delta’s executive director, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, sent the following letter to President Obama asking him to veto the bill due to the destructive “midnight rider” that was added to the otherwise worthy bill, which will undermine endangered species protections for California salmon and water quality for the Delta.

Please write your own letter to the White House asking for President Obama to Veto this bill.

Include why you love the Bay-Delta and the impacts this rider will have on your life.

Barbara’s letter is a good example of the correct tone when writing to the White House. Keep it courteous and professional please and represent the Delta well. Click here to read the letter:

Send your letters to:

After sending a letter, please also call the White House with your comments here (202) 456-1111 and/or click here to send a Tweet to @POTUS:

Photo: The San Joaquin River east of the Antioch Bridge at the entrance to Lauritzen Yacht Harbor. Photo by Dan Bacher.