Buena Vista Resort Report

What a great month July is, we have our season in full swing and we get to see, host and catch up with so many

friends.. this month revitalize all of us. It is a joy to see so many old friends and new one, especially those that are part

of a third generation, yes, grandsons that come to enjoy what their grandparents enjoyed back in the good old days. It

is like experiencing the passing of the torch. I hope I am doing a good job about it with my kids, it seems like I am, but

only time will tell.

It´s time also that we enjoy fishing, going out one day on the boat, feel the thrill of not knowing if you will have a

great boat ride or come back with dinner and many stories to be told. Going out with your family, friends and of course

guest, that after a day of fishing, not only do we become friends, we become family, with all sort of things in common,

disregarding those we don´t, because we are here to embrace the pure joy of being on the ocean.

Weather is warming up, humidity rising, but the ocean breeze comes in place… if you are not here, you should be.


Part of the third generation that visited us this month Ricardo Jr. Villareal with his dad Ricardo Sr. fishing on board

the Yanet with famous Felipe and Reggie. Not long ago the second generation was celebrating a bachelor party

fishing with us. New generations already creating their own memories.

Among the new friends were Kenneth & Beth Moore and Evan &Lee Ann Smith from San Antonio, TX visiting us thru

CCA (Costal Conservation Association). It was a pleasure meeting them. We have had now for the last few years

many folks coming from the state of Texas and most have come to know us because CCA. A great organization that

helps preserve our ocean resources, we coincide with them and their philosophy, it was an easy match when they

invited to participate with them. Also from Texas, but now for many years, our good friends Ruth and Michael Mar, it

was so nice to see that Michael is doing much better.

Talking about great good-old friends, Charlie Lewis, now fishing with Jim Honniball. It was nice remembering his first

visit back in the late 70’s. He was very impress with Chef Dahli, Dahli passed the test to the point that Charlie

consider this trip his best culinary experience at the hotel, of course post grandma’s time (my grandma was the first

cook, she came to help my father open the hotel).



Then Dorado Shootout came along and with it the aspirations of about 122 teams trying to be the winners of the big

prize. Among them my brothers, but it was Esaul this time that had high hopes after boating this nice dorado early in

the morning. We were all excited about the fish as we knew it had a great chance. When it came to scale it was the

first of the tournament therefore in first place with a whopping 39.4 lbs, only to be beaten by a 39.9, but that was not

all, a nice 40.4 pounder follow, which ended taken most of the money as it was across the board with all the bets. Then

the winner of the truck came along with 47 lbs. That’s fishing!!!! And we all know it.


For more info, visit Hotel Buena Vista