Greenwashing Extinction: The Links between Delta Tunnels Plan and MLPA Initiative

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One of the least discussed issues in California environmental politics – and one of the most crucial to understanding Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels plan – is the clear connection between the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative and the California … Continued

Latest survey reveals Delta Smelt is nearly extinct

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The population of Delta Smelt plummeted to a new low in the annual spring survey conducted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) as the endangered fish moves closer to the abyss of extinction. The 2016 Spring Kodiak … Continued

Conservation groups ask for more time to file objections to Delta Tunnels plan

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Following the submission of documents on May 31 by the state and federal governments pleading their case for the Delta Tunnels plan, environmental and fishing groups and San Joaquin County asked the State Water Resources Control Board for more time … Continued

Take Action: Senator Feinstein’s Drought Legislation Threatens Delta Fisheries!

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Below is an urgent action alert and press release from John Beuttler and Dr. David Ostrach of the Allied Fishing Groups. I urge you to contact Senator Feinstein’s office to stop her drought legislation from destroying our Delta fisheries: The … Continued

Bill requiring vote on Delta Tunnels stalls in committee

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A bill to force a public vote on Governor Jerry Brown’s controversial plan to divert water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta through two massive underground tunnels stalled in committee on Friday, May 27. AB 1713, sponsored by Assemblymember Susan … Continued

Pipeline Company Indicted on 46 Criminal Charges in Refugio Oil Spill

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In a decision welcomed by fishermen, environmentalists, and tribal leaders, a grand jury on May 16 indicted the Plains All-American Pipeline company on 46 criminal charges related to the May 2015 oil spill in Santa Barbara County that fouled more … Continued

Action Alert: Tell CA Senators to Do the Right Thing for the Delta

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If you want to ever have a chance of restoring our salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and other fish populations, take action now to stop efforts in Congress to overpump the Delta. I urge all anglers to call their Senators and to … Continued

Hoopa Valley Tribe Slams San Luis Settlement Agreement

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On May 24, the Hoopa Valley Tribe from Northern California filed its objection to two bills proposed in the House of Representatives to implement the controversial San Luis Settlement Agreement, saying the agreement would “forever condemn the Tribe to poverty.” … Continued

Garamendi and Feinstein Drought Bills Will Sacrifice Bay-Delta Fisheries

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Drought bills sponsored by Congressman John Garamendi and Senator Dianne Feinstein pose a dire threat to imperiled salmon, steelhead and other fish of the San Francisco-Bay Delta, according to the latest action alert from Restore the Delta (RTD). Since the beginning … Continued

Two Fish & Game Commissioners, Executive Director Appointed

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Governor Jerry Brown on May 6 announced the appointment of two new members of the California Fish and Game Commission, – Russell Burns of Napa, a hunter and angler, and Peter Silva of Chula Vista, a water policy official. Burns and Silva replaced Jim Kellogg and … Continued