A Chaotic Mess: State Water Board Suspends Delta Tunnels Deadlines

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The State Water Resources Control Board announced on March 29 that they are suspending the upcoming deadlines for the California Water Fix/Delta Tunnels water rights change petition in response to a request by the state and federal water agencies to … Continued

Groups Ask Water Board to Dismiss Delta Tunnels Petition

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The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and U.S. Department of Interior yesterday called for a delay in a scheduled hearing on their petition to divert water under the California Water Fix – the second time they have asked that … Continued

Rigged PPIC Poll Claims Californians Support Delta Tunnels

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The Bechtel Foundation-funded Public Policy Institute Of California (PPIC), a long-time supporter of Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels Plan, has released a rigged poll concluding that 54% of those surveyed believe the California Water Fix is “very important” to the … Continued

Big Ag Files Motion Attacking Hearing Officers In Delta Tunnels Proceedings

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On Monday, the San Luis Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA), representing corporate agribusiness interests, filed a legal motion to disqualify State Water Resources Control Board Hearing Officers Felicia Marcus and Tam Tam Doduc from overseeing the permit process for the California Water Fix to build … Continued

Is Brown Administration Official Admitting Delta Tunnels Plan Is Collapsing?

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In the video from a recent hearing in the California Legislature, it appears that a Brown administration official is admitting that financial support for Governor Brown’s controversial Delta Tunnels Plan is rapidly collapsing. On March 11, Secretary of Natural Resources John Laird spoke … Continued

Delta smelt population plunges to new record low

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The population of Delta smelt, an indicator species that demonstrates the health of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, has declined to a new record low population level, according to the spring 2016 surveys conducted by the California Department of Fish … Continued

Metropolitan Water District Authorizes Purchase of Four Delta Islands

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As Delta smelt and other fish species reach record low population levels and fishermen and fisherwomen brace for salmon restrictions this season, the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of Southern California authorized the purchase of four islands in the San Francisco … Continued

Delta Tunnels Opponents Say ‘Fix LA & Santa Clara Valley First

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As local water pipes and infrastructure in the Santa Clara Valley and Los Angeles continue to leak and burst, opponents of Governor Jerry Brown’s massive Delta Tunnels on Thursday, March 3 questioned the “wisdom” of state water districts investing another $1.2 … Continued

Tell Santa Clara Valley Water District No Tunnels!

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Californians for Water Security, the Stewart Resnick Big Ag Astroturf (front) group, is now asking Californians to send emails in support of the Delta Tunnels/CA Water Fix to Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Board. “Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) needs … Continued

Assemblymember Eggman introduces bill to force vote on Delta Tunnels

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Sacramento – On the day after Governor Jerry Brown once again touted his Delta Tunnels Plan (“reliable conveyance”) as a “solution” to California’s water problems in his State of the State address, Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) announced the introduction … Continued