Federal Audit Reveals $84.8 million Misused For Delta Tunnels Planning

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A federal audit has determined that the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation improperly used over $84.8 million in federal taxpayer’s money in the planning process for Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels project. The Inspector General for DOI has … Continued

Westlands Water District: California WaterFix Is ‘Not Financially Viable’

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The Westlands Water District’s Board of Directors rejected Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels project on September 19 because the California WaterFix “is not financially viable,” according to a statement from the district. The district also said they cannot support a … Continued

Fitch Ratings Concludes Delta Tunnels Project Will Increase Water Rates

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On August 16, Fitch Ratings confirmed what Delta Tunnels opponents have been saying for years — the proposed California WaterFix project being currently fast-tracked by the Trump and Brown administrations would likely drive a significant increase in monthly water rates. This increase in water … Continued

CDFW Issues Permit To Kill Endangered Salmon & Delta Smelt In Delta Tunnels

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The deal made between the Jerry Brown and Donald Trump administrations to fast-track the construction of the Governor’s Delta Tunnels project, an alliance that I predicted on election night 2016, is becoming more apparent every day. On July 28, the California Department of … Continued

The Fix Is In: Brown administration approves environmental documents for Delta Tunnels

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Drawing outrage from public trust advocates, the Governor Jerry Brown administration on July 21 approved flawed environmental documents that clear the path for the construction of the Delta Tunnels. The announcement followed recent biological opinions issued by the Trump administration claiming … Continued

Federal Fishery Agencies Approve Permit To Construct Delta Tunnels

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As I predicted on election night, the President Donald Trump and Governor Jerry Brown administrations have apparently made a deal to fast-track Brown’s legacy project, the Delta Tunnels, considered by opponents to be the most environmentally destructive public works project … Continued

Delta Stewardship Council Approves Amendments Promoting Delta Tunnels

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In spite of massive opposition by fishermen, family farmers, environmentalists and Delta residents who packed a room in the Holiday Inn in Sacramento on June 22, the Delta Stewardship Council endorsed controversial conveyance and storage amendmentsto the Delta Plan that … Continued

Halibut Boom In Recent Decades Is Result Of Efforts By Anglers

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Anglers have experienced excellent fishing this season for the prized California halibut in San Francisco Bay, but few know the hard work by fishing groups that it took over 25 years ago to produce the quality fishery we’re now enjoying. … Continued

Group Files Lawsuit Against DWR Over Oroville Dam Records

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AquAlliance, a Chico-based environment group, has filed a lawsuit with Judge Timothy M. Frawley in Sacramento Superior Court alleging the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has broken state law by failing to release records regarding the Oroville Dam spillway … Continued

New Report: Extinction Likely for Majority of California’s Native Trout and Salmon

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If present trends continue, the majority of California’s imperiled native salmon, steelhead and trout are likely to be extinct within 100 years. That was the alarming news unveiled by scientists and conservation group leaders in a press teleconference announcing the … Continued