Written comments on Reclamation plan to increase Delta water exports due February 1!

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If you want to comment on a proposed water grab of Northern California and Delta water by the Trump administration and San Joaquin Valley growers, you only have until February 1, 2018, to do it. On December 29, the Bureau of Reclamation announced … Continued

NoCal Representatives Urge Secretary Zinke To Recover $84.8 Million Illegally Spent On Delta Tunnels

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Washington, D.C. – On December 15, Rep. Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) and five other House Democrats sent a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke urging the federal government to recover $84.8 million in taxpayer funds that were misused to benefit a select few … Continued

Pro-Tunnels Agenda? Why You Should Submit Comments Anyway

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Restore the Delta (RTD) today sent out an action alert regarding the extension for the Delta Plan Amendments Draft PEIR (Programmatic Environmental Impact Report) until Jan. 22, 2018 and the hearing to be held this Thursday. Here is today’s action alert: … Continued

Breaking: Comment Period for Delta Plan Amendments Draft PEIR Extended to Jan. 22, 2018

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The Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) is extending the comment period for the Delta Plan Amendments Draft PEIR (Programmatic Environmental Impact Report) until Jan. 22, 2018. The controversial document promotes “dual conveyance,” a euphemism for Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels Plan, as the preferred … Continued

The Revolving Door: Senate Confirms Former MWD Official As Reclamation Commissioner

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On November 16, the U.S. Senate confirmed Brenda Burman, who served as a Department of Interior official under President G.W. Bush and later as special projects manager for the Metropolitan Water District MWD of Southern California, as the U.S. Department of the Interior … Continued

Delta Caucus Town Hall in Walnut Grove Challenges Financial Feasibility of Delta Tunnels

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On the morning of November 30, Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) and Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa) held a town hall in Walnut Grove that examined the financial feasibility of the Delta Tunnels and discussed related issues, including the recent report … Continued

Delta legislators to hold town hall on financial feasibility of Delta Tunnels project

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Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa) and Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay), the co-chairs of the Delta Caucus, will hold a town hall in Walnut Grove on Thursday, November 30 to examine the financial feasibility of Governor Jerry Brown’s controversial Delta Tunnels project … Continued

Conference Committee Rejects Westlands Drainage Settlement Rider

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Big Ag will keep trying to add rider to bills In a victory for salmon and the Delta, a Conference Committee rejected Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s attempt to add H.R. 1769, Representative David Valadao’s rider approving the Westlands Water District settlement … Continued

Action Alert: NDAA rider defeated, but Westlands plans to keep adding rider to bills

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Restore the Delta has confirmed that Rep. McCarthy’s attempt to add H.R. 1769, the Valadao drainage bill to approve the Westlands settlement, to the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) Conference, was rejected by the Conference Committee. The rider will not be … Continued

Speak up against Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels at open houses, public hearing!

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Do you want to show your opposition to Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels plan? Well, you will have your chance at two public “open houses” being held today and tomorrow in Stockton and Sacramento, respectively. Today, Nov. 1, 2017, the … Continued