Delta smelt population reaches record low as Reclamation aims to ‘maximize water deliveries’

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The abundance of Delta smelt recorded in the state’s annual fall midwater survey (FMWT) in the estuary is the lowest in the survey’s 50-year history, despite a record water year in Northern California. To make things even worse, the results of the survey … Continued

Written comments on Reclamation plan to increase Delta water exports due February 1!

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If you want to comment on a proposed water grab of Northern California and Delta water by the Trump administration and San Joaquin Valley growers, you only have until February 1, 2018, to do it. On December 29, the Bureau of Reclamation announced … Continued

Pro-Tunnels Agenda? Why You Should Submit Comments Anyway

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Restore the Delta (RTD) today sent out an action alert regarding the extension for the Delta Plan Amendments Draft PEIR (Programmatic Environmental Impact Report) until Jan. 22, 2018 and the hearing to be held this Thursday. Here is today’s action alert: … Continued

Breaking: Comment Period for Delta Plan Amendments Draft PEIR Extended to Jan. 22, 2018

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The Delta Stewardship Council (DSC) is extending the comment period for the Delta Plan Amendments Draft PEIR (Programmatic Environmental Impact Report) until Jan. 22, 2018. The controversial document promotes “dual conveyance,” a euphemism for Governor Jerry Brown’s Delta Tunnels Plan, as the preferred … Continued

Delta Caucus Town Hall in Walnut Grove Challenges Financial Feasibility of Delta Tunnels

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On the morning of November 30, Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) and Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa) held a town hall in Walnut Grove that examined the financial feasibility of the Delta Tunnels and discussed related issues, including the recent report … Continued

Restore the Delta Action Alert: Beat Westlands’ Big Push Before the Holidays!

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While it was very helpful to have the Senate remove the Rep McCarthy drainage rider (H.R. 1769), a $320 million giveaway to the Westlands Water District, from the recent National Defense Authorization Act conference report, the leaders of Westlands are … Continued

Conference Committee Rejects Westlands Drainage Settlement Rider

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Big Ag will keep trying to add rider to bills In a victory for salmon and the Delta, a Conference Committee rejected Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s attempt to add H.R. 1769, Representative David Valadao’s rider approving the Westlands Water District settlement … Continued

PCFFA Action Alert – Stop the latest Westlands Water Grab!

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Tell California Senators that you oppose HR 1769! Please Contact:
 Senator Dianne Feinstein– (202) 224-3841, (310) 914-7300, (415) 393-0707, (559) 485-7430 Senator Kamala Harris– (202) 224-3553, (213) 894-5000, (415) 355-9041, (559) 497-5109 Tell both of California’s senators that you oppose … Continued

Department of Interior Issues Contradictory Statements on Support for Delta Tunnels

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Wednesday, October 25 was a confusing day in California water history. After a Trump administration official first said the administration didn’t support Governor Jerry Brown’s controversial Delta Tunnels project, he later that day said the Department of Interior would continue … Continued

Congressman Huffman responds to Trump Administration pulling plug on Delta Tunnels project

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Washington, D.C.- Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael), the Ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Oceans, issued the following statement in response to news that the federal government will not move forward with the controversial Delta tunnels project. … Continued