Delta smelt remains on edge of extinction, fall survey reveals

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The Delta smelt has not yet become extinct, but the numbers of fish collected in the fall 2016 midwater trawl survey conducted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) remain alarmingly low. This is in spite of improved precipitation … Continued

Governor Jerry Brown Receives Cold, Dead Fish Award Four Years In A Row

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The year 2015 will become infamous as the one when many California fish populations reached record low levels, largely due to poor water management by the state and federal governments. The Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Water Resources continued … Continued

Governor Brown’s budget DOES include $3.6 million for Delta Tunnels

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In a media teleconference on January 7, three Brown administration officials claimed that no money in the $122.6 billion General Fund budget for 2016-17 unveiled by Governor Jerry Brown would be used to implement the Delta Tunnels under the “California … Continued