President Obama Signs Water Bill With Big Ag ‘Poison Pill’ Rider

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In a slap in the face to fishermen, Tribes, environmental justice advocates, conservationists and family farmers, President Barack Obama on December 16 signed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act into law with its environmentally destructive Big Ag … Continued

Karuk Tribe, Allies Add Forest Service to Lawsuit Protecting Salmon

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The Karuk Tribe and four environmental groups today expanded their complaint challenging the Westside Post Fire logging plan to include the United States Forest Service and Klamath National Forest over allegations that they violated federal law protecting imperiled salmon and … Continued

Governor Jerry Brown Receives Cold, Dead Fish Award Four Years In A Row

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The year 2015 will become infamous as the one when many California fish populations reached record low levels, largely due to poor water management by the state and federal governments. The Bureau of Reclamation and Department of Water Resources continued … Continued