32 Lb. Halibut Tops The Bay Catches

Contributed by Gordon Hough, Captain, Morning Star As we headed out Tuesday (May 31) with primo tides, primo anglers and “smallish” though usable bait we found ourselves engulfed in pea soup fog and and an ever increasing SW wind howling through … Continued

Salmon, Halibut And A Side Order Of Stripers!

posted in: Ocean and Bays, Reports | 0

Traditionally, June is great month for Bay Area saltwater anglers, and this June is shaping up to be one of the best in memory. The best salmon bite in the state is raging in the coastal waters beyond the Golden … Continued

Offshore Fracking Moratorium Off California Spurred By Lawsuits

posted in: Spotlight | 0

In one of the biggest environmental conflicts of interest in recent California history, a Big Oil lobbyist led a state panel to create so-called “marine protected areas” in Southern California ocean waters at the very same time that the oil … Continued