Pacific Fishery Management Council Chooses Options For 2017 Salmon Season

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Vancouver, Washington – The Pacific Fishery Management Council today adopted three public review alternatives for the 2017 salmon seasons off the West Coast of the United States. The Council will select a final alternative at their next meeting in Sacramento, … Continued

The untold story of the Oroville Dam Crisis: the Big Money behind CA water politics

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  In all of the intense media coverage of Oroville Dam spillway fiasco over the past month, the mainstream media haven’t yet discussed the real issue behind the disaster: corporate control of California water politics. The reason why state officials and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission … Continued

Trump administration approves Governor Brown’s disaster relief requests

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Just hours after the Butte County Sheriff reduced the immediate evacuation order of Oroville region residents to an evacuation warning, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today approved both recent gubernatorial requests for federal assistance – one to support the … Continued

CDFW Conducts American River Steelhead Study

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Three separate strains of fish – the Eel River strain of American River steelhead, the Coleman Hatchery steelhead strain and Central Valley hatchery steelhead of undetermined origin – are returning to the American River this year, as evidenced in a … Continued

Federal Court Protects Klamath Salmon, Tribal and Fishing Communities

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A federal judge just ordered Immediate action by federal agencies to reduce the risk of massive fish disease outbreaks on the Klamath River. Below is the news release from the Yurok Tribe, PCFFA, Earthjustice and the Klamath Riverkeeper. SAN FRANCISCO—Today, a … Continued

Jerry Brown praises Trump’s plan for new tunnels and other infrastructure

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California Governor Jerry Brown on January 24 delivered his State of the State Address, portraying his administration as the “Resistance” to the policies of Donald Trump while at the same time praising the President for his plan to spend $1 … Continued

Obama Administration Ordered Speedy Completion of Delta Tunnels Plan

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Rejecting the call by fishermen, Tribes, conservationists, family farmers and environmental justice advocates to terminate the Delta Tunnels plan before Donald’s Trump’s inauguration, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on January 4 issued a Secretarial Order that will mandate the completion of Governor Jerry Brown’s … Continued