2017 Groundfish Depth Regulations Will Go Back To 2016 Regs

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 The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) on September 18 voted to bring groundfish depth restrictions for the balance of 2017 back to 2016 depths in California from Pt. Conception to the Oregon border. The restrictions will go into effect after … Continued

CDFW Issues Permit To Kill Endangered Salmon & Delta Smelt In Delta Tunnels

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The deal made between the Jerry Brown and Donald Trump administrations to fast-track the construction of the Governor’s Delta Tunnels project, an alliance that I predicted on election night 2016, is becoming more apparent every day. On July 28, the California Department of … Continued

Oroville spillway crisis exposes absurdity of Jerry Brown’s push for Delta Tunnels

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A day after state officials ordered the evacuation of over 188,000 people from Butte, Yuba and Sutter Counties on February 12, members of the newly-formed Delta Caucus of the California Legislature issued a statement regarding the “hazardous situation” at Oroville Dam after … Continued

CDFW Conducts American River Steelhead Study

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Three separate strains of fish – the Eel River strain of American River steelhead, the Coleman Hatchery steelhead strain and Central Valley hatchery steelhead of undetermined origin – are returning to the American River this year, as evidenced in a … Continued

Evacuations ordered for areas around Lake Oroville, Freeway jammed with evacuees

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  The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) just issued this updated statement regarding the expected failure of the auxiliary spillway at Oroville Dam in Butte County. The agency noted that “Oroville Dam itself is sound and is a separate … Continued

State officials increase releases into eroded Oroville Dam spillway to 35,000 cfs!

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As the cavity in the Oroville Dam spillway continued to erode, California Department of Water Resources (DWR) staff today ramped up flows down the concrete spillway to 35,000 cubic feet per second after conferring with state and federal dam safety … Continued

Trinity River Steelhead Numbers Are Still Below Normal

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(Lewiston) The numbers of steelhead coming into the Trinity River Fish Hatchery continue to be below normal – and well below the numbers trapped during the past four years. The hatchery has counted only 886 adult steelhead to date, compared to 3,272 … Continued

Trinity Hatchery Chinook and Coho Numbers Down, Steelhead Count Up

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Salmon continue to enter Trinity River Hatchery at the slow pace CDFW biologists were anticipating for this season. While both Chinook and coho salmon numbers are significantly down from last season, the number of hatchery steelhead showing has improved. The … Continued

Are California Fish Hatcheries Going Broke?

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California legislators want to know if California fish hatcheries are going broke. Below is the press release about this issue from the California Sportfishing League: August 15, 2016 (Sacramento, CA): Late last week, 14 bipartisan members of the California Legislature … Continued

Latest survey reveals Delta Smelt is nearly extinct

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The population of Delta Smelt plummeted to a new low in the annual spring survey conducted by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) as the endangered fish moves closer to the abyss of extinction. The 2016 Spring Kodiak … Continued